Ai Koyanagi


Ai Koyanagi


Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu


Scientific Publications




About The Scientist

Short Biography

I am a Japanese medical doctor with clinical training in internal medicine and psychiatry.
I have a masters degree in Tropical Medicine from the Liverpool School of Tropical medicine and a PhD from John’s Hopkins University School of Public Health.
I have authored or coauthored more than 600 papers indexed in pubmed.

Current Research Interest :

My research interests are mainly on physical and mental health comorbidity and health problems associated with ageing.
I mainly perform analyses of large datasets to provide evidence for policy making on issues related to health.

Researcher ID:

Five Of The Most Important Publications

KOYANAGI A, ZHANG J, DAGVADORJ A, HIRAYAMA F, SHIBUYA K,SOUZA JP, GULMEZOGLU AM. Macrosomia in 23 developing countries: an analysis of a multicountry, facility-based, cross-sectional survey. Lancet. 2013 Feb 9;381:476-83.
KOYANAGI A, OH H, CARVALHO AF, SMITH L, HARO JM, VANCAMPFORT D, STUBBS B, DEVYLDER JE. Bullying Victimization and Suicide Attempt Among Adolescents Aged 12-15 Years From 48 Countries. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 2019 Sep;58:907-18e4
KOYANAGI A, VANCAMPFORT D, CARVALHO AF, DEVYLDER JE, HARO JM, PIZZOL D, VERONESE N, STUBBS B. Depression comorbid with tuberculosis and its impact on health status: cross-sectional analysis of community-based data from 48 low- and middle-income countries. BMC medicine. 2017 Nov 28;15:209.
DEVYLDER JE, KELLEHER I, LALANE M, OH H, LINK BG, KOYANAGI A. Association of Urbanicity With Psychosis in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. JAMA psychiatry (Chicago, Ill). 2018 Jul 1;75:678-86.
SMITH L, SHIN JI, GHAYDA RA, HIJAZ A, SHEYN D, POPE R, HONG SH, KIM SE, ILIE PC, CARRIE AM, IPPOLITI S, SOYSAL P, BARNETT Y, PIZZOL D, KOYANAGI A. Physical multimorbidity and incident urinary incontinence among community-dwelling adults aged >/=50 years: ffindings from a prospective analysis of the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing. Age and ageing. 2021 Nov 10;50:2038-46.

Last Update
2/19/2023 9:16:28 AM