Jianquan Lu


Jianquan Lu


Southeast University



Scientific Publications




About The Scientist

Short Biography

Jianquan LU received the Ph.D. degree in applied mathematics from City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, in 2009.
His current research interests include collective behavior in complex dynamical networks and multi-agent systems, logical networks, and hybrid systems.
He has published over 100 papers in refereed international journals.

Current Research Interest :

complex dynamical networks and multi-agent systems, logical networks, and hybrid systems

Researcher ID:

Five Of The Most Important Publications

J.Q. Lu*, B.X. Jiang, and W.X. Zheng, Potential Impacts of Delay on Stability of Impulsive Control Systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (Regular Paper), doi: 10.1109/TAC.2021.3120672, in press.
Y.J. Lv, J.Q. Lu*, Y. Liu, and J.G. Lou, Resilient Distributed State Estimation under Stealthy Attack, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, 17:3254 -3263, 2022.
S.Y. Zhu, J.Q. Lu*, L. Lin, and Y. Liu, Minimum-time and minimum-triggering control for the observability of stochastic Boolean networks, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 67(3): 1558-1565, March 2022.
B.X. Jiang, J.Q. Lu*, and Y. Liu, Exponential Stability of Delayed Systems with Average-Delay Impulses, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 58(6):3763-3784, 2020.
J.Q. Lu*, L.J. Sun, Y. Liu, D.W.C. Ho, J.D. Cao. Stabilization of Boolean control networks under aperiodic sampled-data control. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 56(6):4385-4404, 2018.

Last Update
2/19/2023 9:55:47 AM