Mustafa Okyay Kaynak


Mustafa Okyay Kaynak

Electronic and Electrical Engineering

Bogazici University

+90-212-287 2475

Scientific Publications




About The Scientist

Short Biography

Dr. Kaynak, a fellow of IEEE, is an Emeritus Professor at Bogazici University, Istanbul.
He has spent long-term Visiting Professor/Scholar positions at various institutions in the UK, Saudi Arabia, Japan, Germany, U.S., Singapore and China.
He has received several awards, including the Humboldt Research Prize (2016) and the International Academy Prize of the Turkish Academy of Sciences (2020).
He currently serves as the Founding Editor-in-Chief of the Springer journal Discover Artificial Intelligence.
He has authored or co-authored more than 450 papers in various journals, books, and proceedings.

Current Research Interest :

AI Applications in industry,
Intelligent Systems,
Data Driven Techniques
Industrial Cyber Physical Systems,

Researcher ID:

Five Of The Most Important Publications

Y. Jiang, S. Yin, J. Dong and O. Kaynak, "A Review on Soft Sensors for Monitoring, Control and Optimization of Industrial Processes," IEEE Sensors Journal, v. 21, no:11, pp. 12868-12881, June 2021 (Times Cited in WoS: 65).
(“Hot Paper”) W. He, T. Wang, X. He, L-J. Yang and O. Kaynak, "Dynamical Modeling and Boundary Vibration Control of a Rigid-Flexible Wing System," IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics, v. 25, No: 6, pp. 2711-2721, Dec. 2020 (Times Cited in WoS: 179).
M. Khodayar, O. Kaynak and M. E. Khodayar, “Rough Deep Neural Architecture for Short-term Wind Speed Forecasting,” IEEE Trans on Industrial Informatics, v.13, no: 6, pp. 2770-2779, Dec. 2017 (Times Cited in WoS: 180).
.S. Yin, H. Yang, O. Kaynak, “Sliding Mode Observer-Based FTC for Markovian Jump Systems with Actuator and Sensor Faults,” IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, v.62, no:7, pp. 3551-3558, July 2017 (Times Cited: 168).
S. Yin, J. Qiu, H. Gao and O. Kaynak, “Descriptor Reduced-Order Sliding Mode Observers Design for Switched Systems with Sensor and Actuator Faults,” Automatica, v.76, pp. 282–292, Feb. 2017 (Times Cited in WoS: 221).

Last Update
2/19/2023 9:53:40 AM