Shaheen Sabry


Sabry M Shaheen

Soil and Water Sciences

Kafrelsheikh University

+49 202 439 4107

Scientific Publications




About The Scientist

Short Biography

Dr. Sabry M. Shaheen is a Highly Cited Researcher (Clarivate List, 2021, 2022), and he is a Full Professor for Soil and Water Sciences at the University of Kafrelsheikh , Egypt. Currently, Prof. Shaheen is working as “Senior Scientist” at Wuppertal University, Germany. Prof. Shaheen is also acting as “Distinguished Adjunct Professor” at King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia, and as a Visiting Research Professor at Shoolini University, India. Prof. Shaheen is an Experienced Humboldtian, and worked as Expert in the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education. Prof. Shaheen has gained international recognition for his applied research work in biogeochemistry of trace elements. Prof. Shaheen has running collaborations with many scientific leaders in more than 20 universities worldwide. During the period 2007-2022, together with his team and partners, Prof. Shaheen has published 195 papers in 46 of the ISI-Web of science listed Q1 Journals with a total impact factor of 1740, and he also published 25 book chapters with international publishers. Prof. Shaheen has a scopus h-index = 53, Google h-index = 56, and i10-index = 152 (data extracted on 15.08.2022). Prof. Shaheen is a member in the editorial board of many Q1 journals, and acting as a Peer-Reviewer for more than 25 of the ISI web of Sciences listed Q1 journals. Prof. Shaheen has awarded The Order of the Republic of Egypt for Science and Art (2019); “The State Award for Excellence in Agricultural Sciences (2018); "Abdul Hameed Shoman Award for Arab Researchers (2015)"; "The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Award for Environmental Management (2014)"; "The State Incentive Award in Agricultural Sciences (2011)"; and "The Kafrelsheikh University Incentive Award in Environmental Sciences in 2010".

Current Research Interest :

    Environmental chemistry
    Biogeochemistry of trace elements
   Pollution of soils, sediments, water, and plants by toxic elements
    Redox chemistry of soil toxic elements
   Remediation of contaminated soils
    Water treatments and pollution control
    Solid and hazardous waste management
    Environmental risk assessment

Researcher ID:

Five Of The Most Important Publications

Shaheen, S.M., Antoniadis, V., Shahid, M., Yang, Y., Abdelrahman, H., Zhang, T., Hassan, N.E., Bibi, I., Niazi, N.K., Younis, S.A., Almazroui, M., Tsang, Y., Sarmah, A., Kim, K.-H., Rinklebe, J., (2022): Sustainable applications of rice feedstock in agro-environmental and construction sectors: A global perspective. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 153, 111791. (Journal IF = 16.78)
Shaheen, S. M., Niazi, N. K., Hassan, N. E. E., Bibi, I., Wang, H., Tsang, D. C. W., Ok, Y. S., Bolan, N., Rinklebe, J. (2019): Wood-based biochar for removal of potentially toxic elements in water and wastewater: a critical review. International Materials Reviews, 64(4): 216-247. (Journal IF 15.75)
Shaheen S. M., Alessi, D. S., Tack, F. M. G., Ok, Y. S., Kim, K.-H., Gustafsson, J. P., Sparks, D. L., Rinklebe, J. (2019): Redox chemistry of vanadium in soils and sediments: Interactions with colloidal materials, mobilization, speciation, and relevant environmental implications - A review. Advances in Colloid and Interface Sciences, 265: 1-13. (Journal IF = 15.19)
Shaheen, S. M., Tsadilas, C. D., Rinklebe, J. (2013): A review of the distribution coefficient of trace elements in soils: Influence of sorption system, element characteristics, and soil colloidal properties. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 201-202: 43-56. (Journal IF = 15.19)
Antoniadis, V., Levizou, E., Shaheen, S. M., Ok, Y. S., Sebastian, A., Baum, C., Prasad, M. N. V., Wenzel, W. W., Rinklebe, J. (2017): Trace elements in the soil-plant interface: Phytoavailability, translocation, and phytoremediation–A Review. Earth-Science Reviews, 171: 621-645. (Journal IF=12.03)
Palansooriya, K. N., Shaheen, S. M., Chen, S. S., Tsang, D. C. W., Hashimoto, Y., Hou, D., Bolan, N. S., Rinklebe, J., Ok, Y. S. (2020): Soil amendments for immobilization of potentially toxic elements in contaminated soils: A critical review. Environment International, 134: 105046. (Journal IF = 13.35)

Last Update
2/19/2023 9:46:04 AM